Scintillation Crystals
Cesium iodide crystals can be divided into three types based on the dopant, CsI(Tl), CsI(Na) and pure CsI, all of them are colorless transparent cubic crystals. CsI crystals have excellent scintillation properties, meaning they can efficiently convert incident radiation into visible light.
Thallium doped sodium iodide-NaI(Tl), is a classic scintillator for detecting gamma-radiation of intermediate and low energies. It has the greatest light output among all the scintillators and a convenient emission range coinciding with a maximum efficiency of PMT with bialkali photocathodes.
LYSO crystals are known for their excellent scintillation properties, including high light yield, fast decay time, and good energy resolution. LYSO crystals also offer advantages such as high density, high stopping power, and low sensitivity to temperature and humidity.
GAGG crystal refers to a type of scintillation crystal made from gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet (Gd3Al2Ga3O12). GAGG crystals are valued for their high light output, fast decay time, and good energy resolution. These properties make them well-suited for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays.
CdWO4 crystal refers to a scintillation crystal made from Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4). It is a widely used inorganic scintillator material known for its high density and good radiation detection properties. The crystal is composed of cadmium, tungsten, and oxygen atoms.
LaBr3 (Lanthanum Bromide) crystal is a scintillation material used in radiation detection and spectroscopy. It belongs to the family of inorganic scintillators and is composed of lanthanum and bromine atoms. LaBr3 crystals have gained popularity in recent years due to their excellent energy resolution, high light output and fast response time.
CeBr3 (Cerium Bromide) crystal is another type of scintillation material used in radiation detection and spectroscopy. Similar to LaBr3 crystal, CeBr3 crystal belongs to the family of inorganic scintillators and is composed of cerium and bromine atoms.
GOS ceramic (Gd2O2S) belongs to hexagonal system structure, with no harmful to environment, high chemical stability and machinability. GOS doped with rare earth ion has relatively high light output and extremely low afterglow, saying <0.1% @3ms.